The Australian Synchrotron User Advisory Committee invites you to attend the annual synchrotron User Meeting 2013 on 21-22 November at the National Centre for Synchrotron Science. Early bird registrations close 31 October.

A record number of enthusiastic visitors – more than 3500 people of all ages – flocked to the Australian Synchrotron on Sunday 13 October for our Open Day 2013, despite the weather!

Submissions for round 2014/2 (May-August 2014) open on 16 December 2013. Users who applied for time in round 2014/1 (January-May 2014) will be notified from mid-December 2013.

The winner of the June-September 2013 photo competition is ‘a cube in a round mirror’ submitted by Terry Cornall, Senior Controls Engineer at the Australian Synchrotron.

It’s time to celebrate the impressive achievements of thousands of individual scientists, engineers, technicians, managers and other synchrotron-related professions.

The Australian Synchrotron invites you to attend the annual synchrotron ‘User Meeting’ 2013, to be held November 21 and 22, at the National Centre of Synchrotron Science.

A giant, hollow, protein shell manufactured by some bacteria and used to contain toxins that kill insects could lead to new bio-insecticides for controlling crop pests.

In wetland areas, aquatic fungi play a critical role in decomposing gum leaves into biodegradable forms, and non-biodegradable forms that keep carbon locked up in long-term storage.

South Australian and CSIRO researchers recently put the Australian Synchrotron’s x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) beamline under extreme pressure. Six hundred times atmospheric pressure, to be more specific.

On 30 July 2013, Innovation Minister Senator Kim Carr officially opened the $25 million Imaging and Medical beamline at the Australian Synchrotron.
