Join us on 20-21 November at the Australian Synchrotron User Meeting 2014. 

Australian Synchrotron User Meeting

Brought to you by the User Advisory Committee (UAC) and the Australian Synchrotron, our annual User Meeting showcases the best research undertaken at the Australian Synchrotron, and provides updates on the latest technique and applications developments, both here and at our sister light sources overseas.

For the first time, New User Symposium 2014 will be held immediately prior to the User Meeting, on 19 November. This one-day symposium is aimed at novice users who wish to learn more about how synchrotron, accelerator and neutron-based techniques can benefit their research.

User Meeting 2014 and New User Symposium 2014 will be held at the Australian Synchrotron’s National Centre for Synchrotron Science (NCSS).

User Meeting registration and abstract submission now open.

Abstract submissions close 15 September. Early bird registrations close 20 October.

New User Symposium registration will open in mid-September.


User Meeting 2014
20-21 November
Enquiries: [email protected]

New User Symposium 2014
Synchrotron, accelerator and neutron techniques
19 November
Enquiries: [email protected]