Members of the User Advisory Committee welcome enquiries from users, whose views they represent to Synchrotron management.

The User Advisory Committee (UAC) is an independent group whose objective is to represent the broader synchrotron user community and to provide advice on issues from a user perspective to Synchrotron management. The committee provides feedback from users on the operation and development of synchrotron facilities and acts as an advocate for the synchrotron, the user community and synchrotron science in general. The UAC is also responsible for organising the Australian Synchrotron User Meeting held annually in November at the National Centre for Synchrotron Science.

The committee consists of eight elected members, including one student member, and the 10 Program Advisory Committee Chairs. Members cover a broad range of geographical locations in Australia and New Zealand and a mix of scientific disciplines. Elected committee members serve a two-year term with half of the membership replaced each year.

Your UAC elected members are here to represent your interests, and you should feel free to contact any member of the committee with issues you wish to be raised with synchrotron management.

Details of committee members

Email committee chair: [email protected]

Peter Czabotar, UAC Chair
August 2014