ANSTO has always been a strong supporter of the synchrotron. This new, closer relationship highlights the complementary nature of x-ray and neutron beam techniques and will enable our two organisations to operate more effectively for the benefit of Australian researchers.
In addition to my appointment as interim director, management changes here in Clayton include Michael James as head of science and Michael Beckett as general manager of operations. Michael and Michael are both ANSTO people and their appointments will further strengthen the relationship.
Synchrotron users and staff are also off to a great start in 2013 with user operations already underway. This year will see the last two rounds of Foundation Investor time, and we are working with our stakeholders to implement the new access model.
In other exciting news, the upgraded imaging and medical beamline is coming online, with the successful installation of the keenly anticipated $1.3 million superconducting multi-pole wiggler magnet. Well done and thank you to all involved, particularly the physics, operator, electrical and mechanical team members.
Andrew Peele
Interim Director, Australian Synchrotron